Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Baby Blues

I am almost 28 ½ years old.  I do not have any children, and recently, I have realized how much I want a child.  Lately, I cry when watching TV shows with babies, and I now feel that ache in my heart.  That ache that lets me know- okay, you are now emotionally ready to take care of another human being.  Being physically able is another story.  

Several weeks ago I met with a genetic counselor.  We talked about my family history and about the options for having a baby.  I was already well-versed in the options and the risks for me having my own child.  Not knowing much about FSH MD, I sent her my gene test and she called a genetic counselor at Athena Diagnostics, where the test was performed.  She did learn some interesting things which she passed along to me in a phone conversation after our initial appointment.

One thing I had been told (or read- I can’t remember) was that if I got pregnant, they could test the fetus to see if the baby was likely to have FSH.  This is actually not the case in 2013.  Testing is currently only available from blood samples and therefore could not be done during prenatal testing.  I think I was told/read that while they could test a fetus for presence of the gene they would not be able to tell the severity… the presence could mean symptoms as hard to deal with as mine, or they could show no symptoms at all.  I assume these facts are related.

Therefore, my options would be to have a baby of my own and “chance it.”  The physical stress this would put on my body is obviously a big part of this scary decision.  I could have a surrogate carry my egg and “chance it” or carry a baby with their egg and my future partner’s sperm.  Or, I could adopt.  She was very adamant that while the technology isn’t available in 2013 to test a fetus for FSH MD, it could be in a few years.

Almost as if the Universe was feeling the pain in my heart to realize and accept that I would {probably} never carry a child of my own, the Today Show did this amazing special on adoption for a whole week.  I have always thought giving a child a home who needed one would be a great way to go.  During the special, they were talking with kids of all ages who just wanted a family to love them. 

I am now 99.9% convinced that adoption would be the best and most natural option for me to have children.  I better begin my research.

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