Wednesday, September 23, 2015

#WCW J.K. Rowling

It's Wednesday- we're half way through another week!  I would like to honor Woman Crush Wednesday by sharing three things I have learned from Ms. J.K. Rowling. 

I don't think it is any secret that I am a Harry Potter SUPER fan.  I started reading the books in junior high; they weren't all published yet and I painfully waited a year for the next book in the series to come out.  I love the books and all the wonderful quotes and lessons throughout them.  The author of this popular series is just as awesome as the books.

Three things I learned from J.K Rowling:

1) You can always turn your life around.  J.K. was unemployed and living on state benefits when she published the first HP book.  She went from having very little to being a multi-millionaire in five years.  If that's not inspiring I don't know what is.

2) You should never give up on your dreams.  The first HP book was rejected by 12 publishers before Bloomsbury picked it up.  I bet those publishers were really kicking themselves when the books took off.

3) You should never be ashamed of your "issues," in fact, you can use them to your benefit.  J.K. has been open about her battle with depression.  The Dementors in the HP books were created from her experiences; they suck the happiness and hope out of their victims. With mental illness still having some stigma, it's nice to hear someone talk openly about it.  We can all embrace our struggles and use them to enhance our work.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Since we keep meeting like this...

Well hello, I hope you're having a good week.  Tonight I am going to tell you a few things about myself you probably don't know.  If we're going to keep meeting like this, it only makes sense for you to know me better...

1) I am currently working as a Housing and Program Manager/Case Manager at a nonprofit organization.

2) I love to learn new things about health and wellness and hope to pass this information on to others.

3) I just started a Master's program for social work and clinical counseling.

4) I volunteer for two nonprofits in Albuquerque, one helps persons experiencing homelessness access healthcare and the other is an international education program.

5) My favorite season is Fall.  Fall in New Mexico is no where near Fall in New England, but I love it just the same.